CIC E-Notebook Download and Electronic Devices Usage Policy

CIC_Logo_LargeThe National Alliance now provides an electronic copy of the CIC class notebook to students who register at least two weeks before the Institute and are in the National Alliance database. The e-notebook can be accessed during class to follow along and take notes on approved devices. Approved devices include laptops, notebooks, and tablets; cell phones or smart phones are not approved.

E-notebook download

The e-notebook will be loaded to your PROfile and available for download seven days prior to the program. FAIA will notify registered participants when the notebook is available to download. Remember: the electronic version is available only to students who register at least two weeks in advance and are in the National Alliance database.

Electronic Devices Usage 

limited number of seats will be made available for students who want to use a laptop or tablet during instruction. Seats are available on a first-come, first-seated basis, so plan to arrive early to ensure a spot. You’ll be asked to sign an “Electronic Device Usage Policy Agreement” when you arrive.

To ensure that electronic devices do not become a distraction in the classroom:

1. Respect the classroom environment and be courteous to classmates by using your device only for following the notebook and taking notes. You will be asked to put your device away for the remainder of the class if you use it in any distracting manner (checking Facebook, loading video, Tweeting, etc.). Additional violations will lead to consequences that include receiving no CE or update credit and dismissal from the class without a refund.

2. Bring your fully charged electronic device to class with the book already downloaded to it. Wi-Fi will not be available in the classroom and power sources will not be available at your seat. Electrical outlets in the classroom are limited and may be designated for other purposes.